Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Let's Party!

Wednesday, January 27th, 8:30 pm -- MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!

* Work on your "homework"
* Take lots and lots of pictures. Take advantage of those windows. Turn off your flash, bump up your ISO if you need to (if the pictures are blurry), and snap away! Go outside on a cloudy day - those clouds are GREAT diffusers! Wrap up your kids in the cutest scarfs, gloves and hats and get CLOSER!!!! I would love to see what you've got!
* Try this: Put your child in direct light and take a picture. Put same child out of the light (this can usually be done by taking a few steps away from the window) and take another picture.

* I'll try and draw some diagrams of our official homework. I know we were a bit confused on the whole perpendicular/parallel stuff (what was I thinking!?) :)

* Post some of your pics. I love when you share!

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