Okay, I'm loving your pictures everybody! Here's just another reminder. We will be meeting this Wednesday, April 29th at 8:30 pm. Same place. We'll be talking about aperture, shutter speed and ISO and how to put them all together. Also, we'll be working on white balance - and guess what!? We'll be doing our homework that night at my house! Easy peasy!
So, here's another reminder for your homework/challenges:
Just kidding (kind of). You have a few days left to do your homework and post it here for all to see. I'm excited to see all of your masterpieces!!
Don't forget to read your manual too. I can teach you the basic of photography, but there's no way I can know how to use all of your different cameras. I don't mind experimenting with all of you and trying to figure it out, but the more you know about your own personal camera, the better.
Also, bring any questions with you to our class. If I don't know the answer, I'll find it out for you. There's still so much I'm learning as well!
One more thing - I went to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point this last week with my family and LOVED it!! I was thinking of planning a photowalk there one of these nights. I'll let you know more info when I get it, but I just wanted to give you a heads up. You can bring your families if you want. Since we have a membership to Thanksgiving Point, anyone who goes with us gets in for half price. Even if we don't go for the actual Tulip Festival, we can go anytime and it will be just as beautiful. More details later....