Friday, April 3, 2009

Mom Shots talks about "Catchlights"

One of my new year's resolutions was to learn something new everyday about photography. I find information everywhere! One of the blogs that I came across was Mom Shots. She teaches some basic ideas/rules about photography. She started out the same way - she just wanted to take better pictures of her kids and now it has evolved. Anyhoo.... she recently did an article on "catchlights". These are the little reflections in your eyes. You WANT catchlights - it helps bring your picture to life. I sent her a couple of pics of my handsome little guy and you can check it out here:

You can see them here too:'s an extra "challenge." Try to get pics of catchlights. You can read all about it in her article above. Here are some more examples: All of these pictures were taken with natural light. The kids have the window on one side of them. Have your child stand/sit in front of a big window (lots of light). Open up your aperture as far as it can go (the lowest number) in "A" mode, and shoot away.

Because you're shooting with the widest aperture, your camera will use the fastest shutter speed available. BUT... because you might be shooting some wiggle worms who don't hold still for longer than a second, you might still get some blurry pictures. BUMP up your ISO and then try again. Remember what we learned???? Good.

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